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I love to explore how a MACHINE is LEARNING and how can I use my adaptive problem-solving skills to help those ARTIFICAL brains boost their INTELLIGENCE.
And yes, if you are HIRING, let's connect. I would love to be a part of your team's success with my contribution.

Excited to know more? Keep reading below.

A few things to know about me

My passion helps me to 

🖥️ Work as an Executive Data Scientist @ NielsenIQ
💼 Help 3950+ people start their Machine Learning journey
💻 Mentor/Judge 100+ hackathons
🧑 Deliver 80+ technical talks
🎯 Organize 60+ events for Kaggle Days Meetup Delhi NCR
🕵️ Review 4 technical books  

Where to find me?

🖥️During weekdays you would usually find me at my Delhi ( sometimes Kolkata ) home working remotely to solve real world business problems using Data Science.

🧑 During weekends you would find me at Hackathons, Meetups, Conferences around DELHI-NCR ( now digitally anywhere ), because I believe in the power of Community Learning.

My steps towards boosting community learning includes  

✨Starting India's 1st & Largest Kaggle Days Meetup community
✨Mentoring 90+ hackathons/Bootcamps/Open Source Initiatives etc.
✨Delivering 60+ technical talks at Conferences/Meetups etc.

"Where do I fit in for you?"

As almost every decision taken today is backed by DATA, so I can help you if you need a person who can extract what Data speaks! I am really good in playing with data, you know!

✨ BONUS : I bring to the table an understanding of DATA that drives decisions.

"What will you get if you choose me to work with you?"

✨Insights from the Data that drives & impacts growth for your organization. In short, the real essence of DATA as required in today's times!

✨You name it, I got it! And if I haven't done it before, I learn & try to deliver the best results to you :) If you're looking for something specific. Let's talk directly and discuss things over.

"How do I play with DATA exactly?"

✔️ Working with Regression Algorithms (Linear, Logistic, Polynomial, Ridge, Lasso).
✔️ Working with ARIMA and LSTMs for time-series forecasting.
✔️ Working on data gathering pipelines.
✔️ Working with technologies like Scikit-learn, Pandas, Numpy, Keras, OpenCV, Tensorflow, and PyTorch.
✔️ Building mathematical models for COMPUTER VISION, Natural Language Processing [ NLP ].
✔️ Deploying models at scale for your customers.
✔️ Reading and extracting insights from recent RESEARCH papers.
✔️ Writing hacky, clean & understandable code.

Looking for a DATA SCIENTIST, AI/ML ENGINEER with RESEARCH mindset who can help you in giving your VISION the perfect GROWTH trajectory using DATA? You got me! ☺️

Want to discuss anything ?

If you've opportunities for me, or have crazy product ideas to discuss, always feel free to reach me via email here or click here, Check out my resume here . I'd be very happy to connect.